Micronutrients for health

Today, hunger is no longer a pressing issue , but how to eat not malnourished , not overweight , increasing physical stature , increase the effectiveness of mental activity and physical labor , increased resistance , anti- aging phenomenon , the prevention of chronic disease , longevity is an issue people care about.

To effectively protect the health and meet the needs of the body , the diet should be reasonable enough to balance quantity and quality . In addition to energy , a factor that is very important vitamins and minerals ( referred to as micronutrients ) are essential for the body , because of lack or excess just a very small amount will cause serious consequences for health . There are about 90 essential nutrients for the body , involved in the development , regeneration of cells , tissue damage , respiratory activity , metabolism , excretion , immune system , operating in the possible , maintaining homeostasis , creating hoormon , the digestive juices ...
Đu đủ chứa nhiều vitamin A.
Papaya contains vitamin A.
The excess nutrients in the body will be excreted , urine at most , but there are some nutrients will accumulate and cause some serious complications , such as vitamins A and D. Among the essential nutrients , the vitamins A , D , B , C , is the lack of quality and should be easy to prevent shortages in the community .

Vitamin A : A fat-soluble vitamin , has a regulatory function , protein synthesis , growth and help keep the epidermal layer of the skin , mucous membranes , and retinal effects on conjunctival .

Vitamin A is provided in two forms , retinol esters in foods of animal origin , such as liver and fish liver oils , dairy products , meat , fish , egg yolk ... easily absorbed . Provitamin A carotenoids ( mainly beta carotene ) is found in vegetables, yellow and dark blue color like carrots , beets, beet , pumpkin , spinach , amaranth , spinach , vegetables, jute , vegetables and fresh broccoli green , pumpkin , beet , papaya , mango ... absorb 6 times harder than retinol .

Vitamin A provision by : breastfeeding immediately after birth , exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and last up to 24 months ; feeding properly and use all four food groups in the daily diet of children (preferably use food at home ) , eat enough fat , use vrtamin A rich foods , not diet when sick children ; scheduled immunizations to prevent infectious diseases . Mothers who are breastfeeding should take one dose of vitamin A 200.000UI at birth or within the first 2 months after birth , in order to increase the concentration of vitamin A in breast milk and can better protect breastfeeding .

Vitamin D : Vitamin D and calcium play an important role in the formation and development of bones , teeth , causes rickets is the most common deficiency of vitamin D. There are two main sources of vitamin D is D3 ( cholecalciferol ) is synthesized in the skin under the action of ultraviolet light and D2 ( ergocalciferol ) from food . Children often lack vitamin D or cry the night , sleep sleep , or turn her , sweating is the top most stolen , delayed tooth eruption , hair loss ...

Pregnant mothers should take vitamin D in pregnancy single 100.000UI 7th month if less sunlight exposure . For children , the sun before 8am , until recently flushed skin , defined exposure period , usually about 10-30 minutes depending on season , location ... fully breastfeeding in the first 6 months and last up to 24 months , proper feeding , feed shrimp , crabs , snails , oysters , cheese , oily foods, fish, eggs and liver .

Vitamin B : There is an important role in energy metabolism , maintain the health of cells , neurron nerve involved in erythropoiesis ... Vitamin B is found in grains , rice , meat , fish , pigeon , beans , sesame , chicken , dark green leafy vegetables , bananas , pears , milk , cheese , dairy products , yogurt ... Lack of vitamin B -prone child digestive disorders , nausea , loss of eat vitamin B1 deficiency will easily match , oral temperature , body fatigue .

Vitamin C : There are good antioxidant effect , involved in many vital activities of the body , collagene formation , stimulate iron absorption in the small intestine . Lack of vitamin C gingivitis easy , easy bleeding , oral temperature , easy classifieds sick , tired ... Vitamin C is found in oranges , tangerines , grapefruit , ripe guava , strawberries , green peppers , broccoli , tomatoes , sweet potatoes , vegetables, fresh spinach ... when the technical processing module will not lose vitamin C.

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