Okra attractive men

In appearance of okra was very attractive . However, inside the new okra many " features " attractive men .

More prominent feature of okra is mucilage inside. People often use it to cook the soup . If you do not like the soup , you can process it into stir-fries . But it is important to take advantage of the benefits of these foods to help enhance your health .

Okra contains more fiber helps regulate cholesterol in the body . Additionally , okra can provide one tenth of folic acid and vitamin B6 are required daily intake of Americans .

This is a natural plant that grows in warm climates such as southern China . TS.Kantha Shelke , experts from the Institute of Food Technology , said the vegetables okra was served to the athletes during the time of the Beijing Olympics because it brings many benefits health . In America , this plant is called " Viagra " , while in Japan it is called " green ginseng " . Okra contains Polysacharide results ( including the types of complex carbohydrates combined with large molecules ) to help improve blood flow , similar to Viagra .

Okra contains vitamins , minerals and antioxidants such as epicatechin , catechin , rutin , procyanidins B1 , B2 and quercetin . These antioxidants work to prevent cell damage due to environmental impact and stress caused .
Physiological effects that okra is due to it containing more carbohydrates . According to TS . Shelke , okra also effective against diabetes because of okra fiber can slow the absorption of sugar into the blood . Effects by controlling lipid soluble fiber called pectin can lower cholesterol 10 % .
Đậu bắp “hấp dẫn” phái mạnh
People in the South East Asia , Far East and Middle East eat okra to improve brain function .

Although the newly discovered work effectively in the medical field , but okra has quickly become a popular food .

If someone should get sick or nutritional supplement , the supplement to the diet okra is indeed a necessity .

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