Recipes to eat right and stay young forever

Eat whole fruit for more fiber than water pressure . Make sure at least 3 servings of fish per week. Limiting salt or salty foods such as salted fish , dried , pickled , canned food ...

Aging is inevitable in the process of life , even though everyone wants to slow down . Optimal nutrition is one of the important measures to prevent disturbances and changes in the organs , body systems in older adults .

Dr. Dr. Tran Thi Minh Hanh , deputy director of HCM City Nutrition Center , the aging process is often accompanied by a decrease in energy demand due to reduced physical activity and basic metabolic reduction . The older , many people do not eat enough demand due to fatigue , sluggishness and lack of interest in life . Strengthening activities can increase appetite and thus help the body get enough energy , enough essential nutrients .

Photo: forenergy
Optimal nutrition is one of the important measures to help slow aging . Photo: forenergy
1 . Protein

The amount of protein synthesized per day decreased very little with age . Demand for protein is generally about 55-60 g per day . The older , the ability to digest and absorb the less protein , protein synthesis ability of the body is also very easy going down to a lack of protein .

Protein digestion in the large intestine produce rotting waste and toxins are constipated if prolonged negative impact on health (especially protein from meat ) . Therefore, older adults should limit meat , especially fatty meats . Instead, eat fish , make sure at least 3 servings of fish a week because fish contain more easily digestible protein , made ​​a number of essential fatty acids for the body has a protective effect . Also, it should be replaced by a number of animal proteins such as soy vegetable protein , beans , peas , beans ...

2 . carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are divided into two groups of rapidly absorbed carbohydrate ( including glucose , fructose , saccarose ) and slow absorption ( including starch , glycogen ) ,

Carbohydrate accounts for a major component of food . The tolerability of this compound is reduced in the elderly , it is necessary to reduce the use of meal , especially the kind of rapid absorption . Specifically, should limit the sugar cane , candy , soft drinks ... Use whole grains , potatoes , corn , bread , pasta ...
Ảnh: forenergy
3 . fat

Omega - 3 and omega - 6 are essential fatty acids for the body . Omega - 3 is found in soybeans , canola oil , fish , algae , seaweed , have the effect of preventing heart disease and cancer . Omega 6 is in the sesame oil , soy , peanut , sunflower , corn .

Cholesterol is mainly composed of cell membranes and is the raw form of sex hormones . Cholesterol and fatty acid combined with proteins to create lipoproteins have cardioprotective effects . Prone to excess cholesterol and atherosclerosis, cerebral embolization , but lack the membrane would also love to cause bleeding in the brain . Cholesterol is found in animal fats , egg yolks , organ meats . Older adults should limit fat , especially animal fat and vegetable oil should be replaced . The amount of cholesterol in the diet is recommended below 300 mg per day .

4 . Water , vitamins and minerals

It should be noted though not regularly drink soft water , especially in summer . Activity digestion and absorption in the elderly is often worse when young . Therefore vulnerable to a lack of vitamins , potassium , magnesium intracellular calcium deficiency causes osteoporosis ( especially in postmenopausal women ) , iron deficiency anemia causes fatigue , dizziness , memory loss , lack of zinc causes anorexia , memory loss , poor concentration , dry skin , dull skin ...

Food sources of calcium are milk and dairy products , eat shrimp shell shrimp , small fish are eaten bones , soybeans , tofu , green vegetables . Dairy foods are rich in calcium and protein you . Therefore , drink 1-2 glasses of milk every day , choose milk contains little or no fat and sugar .

Foods rich in iron are meat , fish , liver , blood , eggs , beans and vegetables . Zinc is found in animal foods , especially fish , meat and seafood , especially oysters . Potassium is found in fruits and vegetables .

5 . fiber

Fiber helps discharge toxins through the digestive tract , limiting constipation , reduces the absorption of dietary cholesterol from the body . Fiber is found in whole grains , vegetables and fruits .

To get enough vitamins and fiber , so eat about 200-300 g of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit each day . 1 serving of fruit or 1 banana , 1 orange , 1 medium pear or 1/2 cup fruit juice . So choose colorful fruits and vegetables , simple processing to minimize loss of nutrients during cooking . When used to eat all the fruit left to get more fiber than just water pressure .

6 . Select antioxidant foods

Drink lots of tea , green tea , eat more vegetables , especially green leafy vegetables such as spinach , vegetables and shrinkage , amaranth, jute , vegetables, spinach , spicy food such as onions, chives , herbs ... Eating spices such as garlic bulbs , ginger , galangal , turmeric ... , eat ripe fruit will give your body vitamins , minerals and antioxidants . Limit stress due to free radicals increases .

7 . Limit salt and salty food

Salt is a common spice daily , but the body just a little amount , about 3-5 g . Salty food habits will lead to high blood pressure . So should limit salt or salty foods ( salted , dried , pickled , canned food ... ) in the diet .

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