5 foods to children of rickets

Besides the food , the children exposed to sunlight in the appropriate time is essential .

Rickets is osteodystrophy body vitamin D deficiency , which affect absorption , calcium and phosphorus metabolism . The disease usually occurs in children under 3 years . The main reason causing rickets in children is caused by lack of sunlight , low birth weight infants , preterm birth , infants are not breastfed , children with malabsorption syndrome , malnutrition ...
Ngoài các món ăn, việc cho trẻ tiếp xúc với ánh sáng mặt trời vào thời gian thích hợp là điều cần thiết.
Children often show signs of crying , sleep sleep , startled, sweating theft , loss of hair in the nape area forming donuts , teeth slowly , slowly they came , crawl , walk, stay ... Where are severe, causing altered fontanelle bone width , with forehead bumps , chest deformity , with beaded ribs , the bones of the wrist , ankle friends out , hocks , text bowl , apply the following ... recommend some dishes work treating rickets support to the mother to child can be processed .

Crab legs Powder : 300g crab legs , lotus seeds 50g , 50g green beans . Pick your feet healthy crabs , washed , dried into a smooth spread . Lotus seeds , green beans are pulverized . The stuff on the mix together . Every time you eat for 1 teaspoon of powder mixed in water crab leg special rice gruel or water , can add sugar or salt to food to fit your mouth . Eat 2 times , should eat 15-20 days .

Porridge yolk : egg yolk 2 females, delicious rice 50g , just enough spice . Boiled egg , leaving whites , yolks taken , dried powdered . Rice roasted pulverized . Both things mixed , pour into a saucepan , pour enough boiling soup boil for skills , adding spice to stir , boil the porridge is . Offer 1 day fasting times . Need to eat in about 20-30 days .

Shrimp Soup : Shrimp 150g , 50g rice , just enough spice . Shrimp washed , peeled and more to own . Meat pounding tiny shrimp . Shell , dried shrimp as finely powdered . Milled into flour . All mix well , add powdered spices into a saucepan , pour enough water to cook the porridge . When cooked porridge stirring for MSG , the soup is boiling . 1st time feeding fasting , eat 1 month .

Pig cartilage Porridge : 100g pork gristle , 50g rice , MSG , just enough spice . Pig cartilage cleaned, crushed as powder , spice marinated fried ripe . Milled into flour . Pork gristle to boil in a pot add 150ml water over low heat , when cartilage like hell for the rice flour stirring , until the soup simmer for another nine for MSG . Children eat 2 times a day on an empty stomach . Need -to-eat 15-20 days .

Fish Porridge results : 1 snakehead fish ( 300g ) , 30g watercress , rice 50g , MSG , just enough spice . Choose fish acorn flat , scaly white belly , black back , cleaned and gutted fish , steamed brings to nine , remove lean meat marinated spice powder , fish bone crushed 200ml water extract . Powdered rice , washed watercress state is small (probably crushed and juiced to the soup ) . Rice in water for fishing , cooking over low heat , ripe for watercress soup , meat, fish , stir in the fresh powder , porridge is boiling again . Feeding 2 times a day , to feed 20-30 days . Eating the day .

Besides the food , the children exposed to sunlight in the appropriate time is essential .
How to prevent rickets in children

To prevent rickets in children , during pregnancy , mothers should eat foods rich in calcium . Children should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months . Every day for sunbathing around 10-15 minutes in the morning . Increase feeding dishes rich in calcium , phosphorus , such as eggs , fish , shrimp , crabs , clams , oysters , snails , and milk , cheese . If required , should additional vitamin D, calcium for children as medicines, as directed by your doctor. Housing provider must have adequate lighting . If your child suffers from a disease in the digestive tract , respiratory ... should be treated early . / .

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