In Bac Lieu land Dasher worm cake packaging

Also turnip cakes , the cakes compassion famous dish that visitors should not miss when visiting public lands Bac Lieu.
Về đất công tử Bạc Liêu ăn bánh tằm bì
Take a day trip started with cakes Lieu Unique and unusual compassion mouth of the people here . This is a rustic dish so you can enjoy food from street vendors burden , in a restaurant or sidewalk bazaar that any . Despite being popular dish but almost no one knows this dish from time to time, why is it called ? ... In the story of the people here are happy , the reason is so called because silk yarn cake looks like a silkworm , packaging should eat with bread called compassion .

Though not sure about the name and origin , but with dish made ​​from rice flour cakes fibers , packaging and accompanied with vegetables and coconut milk ... with just the sweet salt did just fascinated to know how many visitors visit to eat this dish . Despite being popular foods , raw nothing special , but to get a plate of delicious cakes compassion , non- greasy little effort required of the seller .

Compassion cake though is a simple but very delicate dish attractive . Photos : Khanh Hoa
Fiber bread is the most important part of the dish . A worm gear drive packaging is considered good when the white fiber to bread , soft , long and not broken . To do that , the dough stage is the most important meal of rice flour mixed with a certain proportion and mixed with boiling water . Knead dough until dough soft, smooth and supple but not sticky is . Powders are divided into small cubes , pellets will hand a long circular strands . Today, many places selling cake flour compassion often rolled into thin slices , then cut into strands like bread soup . This approach , though not fast but good fiber powder and no eagles .

The combination of different materials to bring the delicious taste and weird mouth to eat . Photos : Khanh Hoa .
After this , the fibers boiled in a pot pie . Rinse several times with cold water and drain. Then mix with a little oil cake for the cake does not stick to each strand . In addition , the packaging fiber bread and coconut milk served with equally as important . Skin was cut into thin strands evenly mixed with lean meats and julienne crispy rice that has fleshy hearing .

Coconut milk of this very special dish , the seller must meticulously prepared just how salty it just sweet , fatty , but not sick . Coconut milk is cooked with very small fire , while cooking soup must not boil coconut water to break up , just a little freak is . Next soluble flour ( or cornstarch ) and place in coconut milk , seasoned salt is sweet .

Coconut milk is mixed medium sweet salty medium , keeping the fat , but not sick but delicious . Photos : Khanh Hoa .
Also, cakes are priced quilted silk envelope , onion and cucumber, chopped herbs , where there are more carrots , pickled radish julienne .... Cake is for the mind to become a disc packaging for more on , followed by the vegetables , sprinkle coconut all over and bring diners . When eating this dish , diners mix the ingredients together , if they can not just mouth chan little more sweet sauce prepared owner .

But am just a humble dish of the people here but has compassion wheel disc salty taste , just slightly sweet blend together in a very harmonious surely is unexpected and interesting to do first visitors to enjoy this dish .

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