8 of Chinese cuisine in Saigon
Along with the regional cuisine , Chinese cuisine featuring unique paintings contribute to the culinary melting of Saigon.

1 . Fish noodles
Fish noodles is a dish of Chinese celebrities . Fish processing is used to snakehead fish fresh, clean out bone and snake meat , sliced , seasoned salt , seasoned nuts . The soup is cooked from pork bones should be imbued with sweetness , soups will also over . Spices and soups in addition to the more common ones also have a special spice that increases spending ( aka truffle ) . Fish noodles are served with lettuce , prices , chilli , lemon and indispensable sauce ( soy sauce ) .
2 . Duck Noodles potential

This dish of Chinese not only keep the original place of origin , which is made to suit the tastes of Vietnam . Fresh broth without fat , crispy duck , soft but not fishy . Also, the food is attractive with fresh pasta made from eggs , very eye-catching yellow . When you eat , you will feel soft noodles , delicious long , besides the crunchy sweet cabbage stalks .
3 . Satay noodles

This is the dish of the area who lives in District 5 , 6 , 11 . What made the dish taste the broth when it is prepared from 20 kinds of flavors and spices . A full bowl of noodles used abroad , cake noodle , beef or beef ... is also eaten as vegetables julienne cucumbers , prices , contractual tomato , basil , coriander ... just to add some spice has created a unique spice to this dish distinctive .
4 . Porridge Symposium

Porridge Symposium closer to the heart of the Vietnamese soup with ingredients such as heart , liver , screw , hard ... besides adding mushrooms , fresh squid and especially for a lot of leaves , ginger julienne , so this dish is suitable for chilly days or those with colds .
5 . Bread Gets break

With gourmet snacks in Saigon , one can not ignore the tripe dish Gets break , a popular dish but irresistible allure . Dishes made of the stomach and small intestine , lung , liver, heart ... with a very simple process that spices which team is the main flavor , then deep-fried and boiled again until soft . Coconut milk is the main ingredient of water down a long time, making for sweet and fatty stew pot . The secret of a long a break the pot is at the stage of extensive fire and water to refill the small intestine has a soft taste. When that water color and slightly viscous medium can be used. When eating out long ago, diners can eat with more bread .
6 . Sui puller

Sui puller made with wonton similar but much larger and more human . People are usually made from shrimp , pork , minced vegetables ... and mix together spices to taste . Human after being prepared for a slice of thin crust made with wheat flour for dumplings package , wrapped in a semicircle and boiled . Sui puller can be processed in many ways as food water , steamed or fried . Chinese food is often oily so it is common for many improvements to reduce sick when eating sweet .
7 . flung Cade

Another popular dish but indispensable when it comes to Chinese cuisine is away Cade . Food mixing sticky rice , egg yolk and very faint aroma of durian eaters fascinating . Cade 's composition , the mix of ingredients like eggs , sugar , coconut , durian according to a unique recipe for a slightly mixed match , yellow with faint fragrance is charming . Also there Cade coconut , crushed peanuts , you 've got a compelling package away , delicious to enjoy .
8 . Specification for flexible

Regulations for parts , also known as the high priest is a special dish of the Chinese Guangzhou . It is often divided into two basic components are: soil for flexible , three- line shell powder , licorice and other herbs such as cinnamon bark , bare packaging , associated overseas bark , dried melon , licorice , Atractylodes white , chalk salary discussions , dandelion , birth place , continually , royal bird , yellow and white daisies ... When peace shall eat with a little honey for parts , you will feel the cool sound of spices , the sweet aroma of honey blended together , melt in your mouth delicious.
In addition to the aforementioned dishes , Chinese cuisine in Saigon there are many other delicious dishes such as Yangzhou fried rice , Peking duck , noodles Lake , dim sims , fish only bread , tea, tea seed chicken ...
1 . Fish noodles
Fish noodles is a dish of Chinese celebrities . Fish processing is used to snakehead fish fresh, clean out bone and snake meat , sliced , seasoned salt , seasoned nuts . The soup is cooked from pork bones should be imbued with sweetness , soups will also over . Spices and soups in addition to the more common ones also have a special spice that increases spending ( aka truffle ) . Fish noodles are served with lettuce , prices , chilli , lemon and indispensable sauce ( soy sauce ) .
2 . Duck Noodles potential
This dish of Chinese not only keep the original place of origin , which is made to suit the tastes of Vietnam . Fresh broth without fat , crispy duck , soft but not fishy . Also, the food is attractive with fresh pasta made from eggs , very eye-catching yellow . When you eat , you will feel soft noodles , delicious long , besides the crunchy sweet cabbage stalks .
3 . Satay noodles
This is the dish of the area who lives in District 5 , 6 , 11 . What made the dish taste the broth when it is prepared from 20 kinds of flavors and spices . A full bowl of noodles used abroad , cake noodle , beef or beef ... is also eaten as vegetables julienne cucumbers , prices , contractual tomato , basil , coriander ... just to add some spice has created a unique spice to this dish distinctive .
4 . Porridge Symposium
Porridge Symposium closer to the heart of the Vietnamese soup with ingredients such as heart , liver , screw , hard ... besides adding mushrooms , fresh squid and especially for a lot of leaves , ginger julienne , so this dish is suitable for chilly days or those with colds .
5 . Bread Gets break
With gourmet snacks in Saigon , one can not ignore the tripe dish Gets break , a popular dish but irresistible allure . Dishes made of the stomach and small intestine , lung , liver, heart ... with a very simple process that spices which team is the main flavor , then deep-fried and boiled again until soft . Coconut milk is the main ingredient of water down a long time, making for sweet and fatty stew pot . The secret of a long a break the pot is at the stage of extensive fire and water to refill the small intestine has a soft taste. When that water color and slightly viscous medium can be used. When eating out long ago, diners can eat with more bread .
6 . Sui puller
Sui puller made with wonton similar but much larger and more human . People are usually made from shrimp , pork , minced vegetables ... and mix together spices to taste . Human after being prepared for a slice of thin crust made with wheat flour for dumplings package , wrapped in a semicircle and boiled . Sui puller can be processed in many ways as food water , steamed or fried . Chinese food is often oily so it is common for many improvements to reduce sick when eating sweet .
7 . flung Cade
Another popular dish but indispensable when it comes to Chinese cuisine is away Cade . Food mixing sticky rice , egg yolk and very faint aroma of durian eaters fascinating . Cade 's composition , the mix of ingredients like eggs , sugar , coconut , durian according to a unique recipe for a slightly mixed match , yellow with faint fragrance is charming . Also there Cade coconut , crushed peanuts , you 've got a compelling package away , delicious to enjoy .
8 . Specification for flexible
Regulations for parts , also known as the high priest is a special dish of the Chinese Guangzhou . It is often divided into two basic components are: soil for flexible , three- line shell powder , licorice and other herbs such as cinnamon bark , bare packaging , associated overseas bark , dried melon , licorice , Atractylodes white , chalk salary discussions , dandelion , birth place , continually , royal bird , yellow and white daisies ... When peace shall eat with a little honey for parts , you will feel the cool sound of spices , the sweet aroma of honey blended together , melt in your mouth delicious.
In addition to the aforementioned dishes , Chinese cuisine in Saigon there are many other delicious dishes such as Yangzhou fried rice , Peking duck , noodles Lake , dim sims , fish only bread , tea, tea seed chicken ...
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